Privacy and cookie policy

We recognize with each visit to our site automatically your (temporary) IP address and any website where you come from. In the context of security and fraud prevention, this data, either cookies, are used. A cookie is a small file that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. Through cookies we also ensure that you do not receive the same information at a repeat visit to our website or to enter. Think, for example, to be automatically logged in, if this is applicable. Over time lapse this data automatically or manually.

We use this information to analyze the current navigation of our visitors in order to provide a better user experience in this way. This may include inter alia the most visited pages are monitored, as the number of completed contact forms and similar data. We use session cookies that are automatically deleted when you close your browser. We use a unique ID cookie, which allows us to recognize whether you are a unieke- or returning visitor.

You can set most browsers to refuse cookies, or you will be notified when you receive cookies. Under ‘Help’ in the toolbar on most browsers contains instructions to customize the browser settings (relating to the use of cookies). You can also via opt to place cookies by Google and its third party.

If cookies are rejected, the possibility that certain services or elements of the website does not function optimally. It is also not possible for us to resolve any problems on the website (with respect to user experience) to recognize and actively at play. The domain name of the site server that gives the cookies